Device Shots on Product Hunt

Create device
mockups in seconds!

Design device mockups with the screenshot of your website or mobile application, for free.







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How it works?

Easily generate device mockups with your screenshot image

Device Shots templates

Choose a template

Choose between different templates tailored for multiple social platforms to showcase your website or app.

Device Shots devices list

Select a device

Choose between different device categories like phones, tablets, computers, watches, displays and home gadgets.

Device with a screenshot

Insert a screenshot

Insert a JPG, PNG, GIF or SVG screenshot image, and add it on a device screen.

Device Shots devices list

Customize the design

Pick a custom background color, control the size, alignment and color of the text, move, resize and rotate objects.

Ready to use Device Shots?

Quickly create beautiful designs to share on social platforms with the screenshot of your website or mobile application

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